SAPPI, Stanger again

Report by Paul and Sally Bartho

Sally and I took the opportunity to visit SAPPI again on Saturday 16 January. It was the day of the Dolphin Coast AGM held in the picnic area so there were many people about.

Overnight rains had raised the level of the water moving the mud banks further into the reeds – so the Crakes were difficult to see clearly.

However we were not disappointed. The Spotted Crake was seen several times preening itself low down in the tall reeds.

The Baillon’s Crakes popped up all around and gave excellent views.

The Blake Crakes were mainly heard and rarely seen. Similarly the African Rails.

Someone saw a Greater Painted Snipe in the same area and another person spotted a pair of Corn Crakes on the drive out.

It was not a great day for photography but here are just a  few of the photos taken.

Sally and I also spent three lunchtimes at low tide outside Wilson’s Wharf looking for the Franklin’s Gull with no success.

Pink-backed Pelican - from Wilson's Wharf
Pink-backed Pelican – from Wilson’s Wharf
African Fish-Eagle - juvenile
African Fish-Eagle – juvenile at SAPPI

Paul & Sally Bartho

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