BeKZN Sit-In | PALMIET NATURE RESERVE                                                                                                                                                   

9 November 2023

It was a drizzly morning and there was some discussion on the WhatsApp group about whether there’d be an outing or not. Eventually I said that I’d be there and would welcome anyone who came.  I was impressed – only 1 person pulled out!  We set up in the gazebo. 

Palmiet Lapa – Alan Leathers

The birds were calling all around but not much showed itself in the beginning, but slowly it improved.  African Paradise Flycatchers were around most of the morning and the Village Weavers were busy at their nests overhanging the small dam. 

Village Weaver – Lynda Johnson

Black-backed Puffbacks bounced around in the trees and a Common Square-tailed Drongo posed nicely on a bare branch.  By now the weather had cleared a bit and some people went for a short walk which yielded Mountain Wagtails.  Both Klaas’s Cuckoo and Red-chested Cuckoo’s were very vocal. Ashy Flycatcher showed up for a brief moment but the African Dusky Flycatchers showed off very nicely.

Dusky Flycatcher – Lynda Johnson

Other birds that had people going were a pair of Cape Batis and some beautiful Red-backed Mannikin. Malachite Kingfisher made up for the non-appearance of the Half-collared Kingfisher.

Malachite Kingfisher – Lynda Johnson

Our bird list for the day was 33.

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